Everyone needs to read a good book. Here are some books you might enjoy. You can buy the books from a number of internet outlets, including Barnes & Noble, Amazon.com, Christianbook.com, Books-A-Million, etc., or from your favorite local bookstore. Check back here for more books added to the library of Suggested Reading. Enjoy!
There is just no better reading than the Holy Bible itself. Whether it is the King James Version, the New King James Version, or the Holman Christian Standard, there is no better source for learning and understanding God, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and their salvation for us. For 2000 years, this book has been and still is, very relevant in our everyday lives. Learn of God's desire for everyone, how to live your life in love and peace through Jesus Christ.
The book that keeps on giving, every time you open it. |
Review from Christianbook.com-
A seasoned journalist chases down the biggest story on record in The Case for Christ. Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, former Chicago Tribune legal editor Lee Strobel cross-examines a dozen experts with tough, point-blank questions in search of credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth was positively the Son of God. This riveting quest for the truth about history's most compelling figure reads like a captivating, fast-paced novel, yet it's anything but fiction! An ideal paperback for skeptics! |
Review from BarnesandNoble.com-
The perfect combination of scholarship and accessible presentation for Christians who desire to know how to better understand and defend their faith. Bestselling authors Ed Hindson and Ergun Caner have brought together a who’s who of apologetic experts—including Lee Strobel, Norm Geisler, Josh McDowell, and John Ankerberg—to produce a resource that’s both easy to understand and comprehensive in scope. Every entry provides a biblical perspective and mentions the key essentials that believers need to know about a wide variety of apologetic concerns, including…
Review from Amazon.com-
I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist argues that Christianity requires the least faith of all worldviews because it is the most reasonable. The authors lay out the evidence for truth, God, and the Bible in logical order and in a readable, non-technical, engaging style. A valuable aid to those interested in examining the reasonableness of the Christian faith, Geisler and Turek provide a firm challenge to the prior beliefs of doubters and skeptics. |